Welcome to "Chatter from the Pressbox", the website dedicated to the Pressbox of the Frisco RoughRiders, the Double-A affiliate of the Texas Rangers.

Today's Matchups Around the Ranger's System

Today's (5/20) Match-Ups Around the Ranger's System

Round Rock: Martin Perez (3-3 5.27) vs. Fresno Grizzlies: Andrew Kown (3-1 2.61) @ 1:00 PM CT

Myrtle Beach: Kyle Hendricks (1-4 2.91) @ Wilmington Blue Rocks: Sugar Ray Marimon (3-0 2.65) @ 12:30 PM CT

Hickory : Santo Perez (2-2 6.19) @ Asheville Tourists: Daniel Winkler (4-2 6.06) @ 1:05 PM CT

Expanded Starting Pitching Statistics

The First Pitch Report: In Depth Pitch Analysis of 2011 Frisco RoughRider's Starting Pitchers

Updated As of 9/6/11

Name Starts Pitches Strikes Called Swing Foul Balls
Carlos Pimentel 26 2299 1360 345 223 392 930
Martin Perez 16 1441 902 251 137 269 538
Jake Brigham 14 1230 751 206 134 196 478
Richard Bleier 13 1043 697 186 69 171 343
Robbie Erlin 10 885 625 160 97 183 258
Ben Snyder 14 1182 764 199 87 197 417
Joe Wieland 7 633 406 112 55 112 227
Miguel De Los Santos 6 501 303 86 59 94 197
Wilfredo Boscan 5 387 242 73 26 64 145
Brandon Webb 4 232 149 39 20 44 81
Scott Feldman 2 131 83 28 11 20 48
Robbie Ross 6 529 347 77 65 97 182
Neftali Feliz 1 22 14 6 5 2 8
Chris Mobley 1 57 28 10 2 6 29
Darren O'Day 1 15 8 3 2 0 7
Tyler Tufts 1 41 27 6 3 7 14
Neil Ramirez 6 326 216 58 42 72 109
Derek Hankins 4 258 170 43 23 40 88
Adalberto Flores 2 126 81 26 7 18 45
Kyle Hendricks 1 55 35 10 4 10 20
Starting Pitch Totals 140 11393 7208 1924 1071 1994 4164

Name BPIP HBP Called K Swing K BB Hits ROE 1st P Strikes TBF
Pimentel 400 9 28 78 74 122 4 314 589
Perez 245 1 26 56 36 79 4 221 364
Brigham 215 1 17 51 33 69 5 164 318
Bleier 271 3 10 21 10 108 7 205 315
Erlin 185 2 19 39 6 65 3 166 252
Snyder 281 1 12 30 17 90 5 200 341
Wieland 127 0 11 25 11 35 3 103 175
DLS 64 1 14 24 17 27 0 70 120
Boscan 79 0 8 7 8 30 2 61 102
Webb 46 2 0 8 6 21 0 36 62
Feldman 24 0 3 5 2 5 0 19 34
Ross 108 0 6 30 5 33 1 96 149
Feliz 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 4
Mobley 10 0 1 0 2 5 0 5 13
O'Day 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 3 4
Tufts 11 0 0 0 1 5 0 11 12
Ramirez 44 1 10 14 8 13 1 39 77
Hankins 64 0 2 7 6 21 1 51 79
Flores 30 0 0 4 3 9 2 23 37
Hendricks 11 0 1 1 2 4 0 7 15
SP Totals 2219 21 170 402 247 743 38 1795 3062

Name STRK% S & M % Swing % 1st P STR% BABIP IP P/IP
Pimentel 0.592 0.097 0.441 0.533 0.305 135.667 16.946
Perez 0.626 0.095 0.452 0.607 0.322 87.334 16.500
Brigham 0.611 0.109 0.443 0.516 0.321 74.334 16.547
Bleier 0.668 0.066 0.490 0.651 0.399 67.334 15.490
Erlin 0.706 0.110 0.525 0.659 0.351 62.000 14.274
Snyder 0.646 0.074 0.478 0.587 0.320 80.334 14.714
Wieland 0.641 0.087 0.464 0.589 0.276 44.000 14.386
DLS 0.605 0.118 0.433 0.583 0.422 28.000 17.893
Boscan 0.625 0.067 0.437 0.598 0.380 22.000 17.591
Webb 0.642 0.086 0.474 0.581 0.457 12.000 19.333
Feldman 0.634 0.084 0.420 0.559 0.208 9.000 14.556
Ross 0.656 0.123 0.510 0.644 0.306 38.000 13.921
Feliz 0.636 0.227 0.364 0.250 1.000 1.000 22.000
Mobley 0.491 0.035 0.316 0.385 0.500 2.000 28.500
O'Day 0.533 0.133 0.333 0.750 0.333 1.000 15.000
Tufts 0.659 0.073 0.512 0.917 0.455 2.000 20.500
Ramirez 0.663 0.129 0.485 0.506 0.295 19.000 17.158
Hankins 0.659 0.089 0.492 0.646 0.328 18.000 14.333
Flores 0.643 0.056 0.437 0.563 0.622 7.667 16.434
Hendricks 0.636 0.073 0.455 0.545 0.467 3.000 18.333
SP Totals 0.633 0.094 0.464 0.586 0.335 713.670 15.964


BPIP= Balls Put into Play
Called/Swinging K= Called/Swinging Strikeout
ROE= Reached on Error
1st P Strikes= 1st Pitch Strikes
TBF= Total Batters Faced
IR= Inherited Runners
IRS= Inherited Runners Scored
1st BAT AB= Amount of At bats against 1st Batter of Reliever's Appearance
1st BAT H= Times the 1st batter the reliever faced, got a hit
1st BAT BB- Times the reliever walked the first batter that he faced in the appearance
1st BAT K= Times the reliever struck out the first batter that he faced in the appearance
STRK%= Strike Percentage (Total Strikes Divided by Total Pitches)
S & M%= Swing and Miss Percentage (Swinging Strikes Divided by Pitches)
Swing%= Swing Percentage (Swinging Strikes+Fouls+BPIP Divided by Pitches)
Taken%= Taken Percentage (Called Strikes + Balls Divided by Pitches)
1st P STRK%= First Pitch Strike Percentage (First Pitch Strikes Divided by TBF)
IRS%= Inherited Runner Scored Percentage (IRS Divided by IR)
1st BAT K%= Strikeout Percentage of First Batter (1st BAT K Divided by (1st BAT AB+1st BAT BB))
1st BAT RCH%= 1st Batter Reached Percentage ((1st BAT H+1st BAT BB) Divided by (1st BAT AB+1st BAT BB))
BABIP= Batting Average on Balls In Play (Hits Divided by BPIP)
P/PA= Pitches Per Plate Appearance (Pitches Divided by TBF)
P/Start= Pitches Per Start (Pitches Divided by Starts)
P/IP= Pitches Per Innings Pitched (Pitches Divided by Innings Pitched)